Michelle Metcalf Sahuarita Green Valley , AZ Real Estate

Do better schools mean higher home values?

The data is clear: Homes in the best school districts sell for higher prices than similar homes in less-popular school districts. Research also tells us that one of the most important factors that buyers consider when buying a home are schools. One study shows buyers are willing to pay as much as $50 a square foot extra for a home in a better school district.

A 2013 realtor.comĀ® survey of buyers found that 91 percent said school boundaries were important in their search. Buyers are even willing to give up things to buy near a good school district. One in every five buyers would give up a garage or bedroom. One in three would settle for a smaller home to get access to a good school. Over half would sacrifice nearby shopping options for a better school.

Is being near a top school district important to you?

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